Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

I am interupting my blogs on failed relationships because I had such a strong reaction to a woman I saw in a coffee shop yesterday.  I was an aquaintance of hers years ago, our daughter’s were friedns in primary school. Point is, nothing happened, we do not say ‘hi’ to one another, doesn’t matter, it was just my reaction and explosion of backchat and emotion that I am concerned with and want expose and forgive so I can stop the pattern of reaction whenever I see a woman I know , or I don’t know, who represents rich bitch to me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to delude myself into believing a picture has any power to control me, represented as a woman with expensive clothing, jewelery, etc. defining who she is as life or who I am as life, as a woman, equal to just a role/actor in a movie to be shiny and pretty as a trophy for her husband and to make other women appear less than so she and she as me, may be rewarded with positive energy in the form of feeling better than. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself  to judge myself as less than/inferior to the  picture of this woman who always wears high heels and has very expensive hair style, huge house, drives a mercedes benz,  and thereby say to myself that I am nothing without wealth and without engaging/indulging in the hierarchical and  patriarchical systems of abuse that currently exist in this world. 

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be directed by guilt in thinking, ‘I should not judge her as a rich bitch when I really do not know her, she seemed friendly/nice enough years ago’. I realize I do not judge her as much as not trust what she advertises herself to be as in involved in materialism and competition. I am in the process of removing myself from these world systems of beauty, competition, personal wealth for self interest. I realize we are one and equal in fact as she is me and not separate from and as me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to connect this woman to other woman I have known in my past thereby abusing myself with getting lost in memories in my mind which can harm me, bringing up thoughts and emotions of regret, spite, jealously about what material things I do not have (indulgences as I have all I need), trips I cannot take, shameful memories feeling less than with wealthy friends and family, comparing what I could get for /do for my young children versus what others could do for their children, and on and on desires/wants.

I commit myself, through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective action, to remind myself that I am not a picture, nor is any other woman, and commit to not competing with any other woman for a man’s attention/desire/money by draping myself in money as fashion, jewelery, shoes, hair style, make-up but to examine my starting point when dressing that it is not to be more than another being but for comfort and practicality and enjoyment.  

I commit myself to never again judge myself as a loser/less than/average/inferior when seeing another being who is dressed to attract attention.  I commit myself to more and more withdrawing from the money system and world systems that state I, as a woman, must dress/look a certain way to be desirable or worthy and instead express my physicality in a way that is self-honest to me in the moment, whether it be for fun or sport or comfort, etc.  

I commit myself to not judge another being by their appearance and know I am as/equally responsible for the abuse of individuals being treated as less than/inferior, the abuse of human beings within the money system, the abuse of woman as sexualized by the media within/for profiting from selling sex/goods within the current money system.

   I commit myself, through writing, self-forgiveness and self-corrective living, to staying ‘here’ in my awareness and not getting lost in my mind by connecting a wealthy woman in a coffee shop to memories, bringing up pictures in my mind, judgements/opinions, emotions of anger, jealousy, shame, guilt, regret, hatred, spitefulness, and continual thoughts.

I commit myself , when I see someone from my past who is a woman who is wealthy and physically adorning herself, to stop and breathe and simply say hello (whatever is appropriate) and to not judge her by the past and realize the truth that we are in fact one and equal and be an example of that.   Image

This quote is taken from ‘BC Health Link’ online updated May 24, 2010:

‘At 1 month of age, infants express their feelings with alert, widened eyes and a rounded mouth…’

I recall that with my own children, almost like a fish, the little round mouth, opening and closing. I wonder why babies have that expression as their first and why it disappears? Interesting.

During this time it is important to feed your baby on demand, you’ll know, lol! So when baby is crying do not ignore, even if they were just fed. If their belly is full, there is something else baby needs. Pick up your child, perhaps baby needs a diaper change or your touch and comfort.

This is paramount to social development to assist your child to feel safe, assured that, at this time when they are completely dependent upon you for survival, you are there and they will build trust in you and trust within self, that what they need is available, this world is a safe place for them to be. They can then be relaxed and get the rest they need and be aware of their surroundings increasingly.

When baby is sleeping best to leave it that way! Often, with the arrival of a new life, friends and relatives come over to meet baby. It is important that you ask them to wait until baby wakes or just let them have a quick peek into the nursery. Would you want to be ‘picked up’ if you were asleep? No, you’d be understandably pissed off! Of course, there are times when you must pick up your baby and perhaps ‘go home’ if you are out. However, your child will need this time to rest and you will need it to also rest or get the million things done that you have not had time for since the arrival of baby.

I am not convinced that breast feeding is the ‘best’ and only way we can nourish a new life. It is, at this time on earth, the optimal choice as it is ‘free’ and ‘easy’ as it requires no bottles or preparation. I was able to breastfeed without any of the ‘problems’ many women face. However, it was physically tiring and required me to to very aware of my liquid and solid intake. It is easy to get dehydrated and ‘weak’ and exhausted during this process.

Many women have no choice but to work outside the home (I did not), even with the arrival of a new baby, so sometimes it is impossible to breastfeed.

If I was to go back in time and ‘do it all again’ I would see what thoughts arise about my ‘energy level’ how tired I am, how it seems overwhelming to breastfeed and deal with the baby and all the other commitments and details of my life. I would apply  Self-Forgiveness (see: Desteni.Org/DesteniIProcess.Com) and write out a Self- Corrective Applications  for each thought.

This could be part of a pre-natal educational course as , although you and your baby are ‘unique’ individuals, there are certain predictable behaviors and thoughts that will arise upon the arrival of baby. One can be prepared by having these statements ready to be read aloud until the time that they become fully integrated in and as you.

This will have a huge impact on your babies social development because you are so close, your impact and influence is so great on who your child will become thus the more you are relaxed, trust yourself and this new experience the better. Specifically do not develop thought patterns that are destructive and can often lead to depression, anxiety through becoming overwhelmed, this is passed onto your baby through your constant, close interaction and your breast milk. You are the example. Exemplify!

I realized when doing muscle communication, part of my *Dip course, I have a huge resentment toward my husband. A few mornings ago I, not only reacted but over-reacted to the simple act of him turning off some lights,  first thing in the morning. Just recently I have been getting up first, now I am no longer taking any sleep medication I require much less sleep (awesome!).

When my husband, Alex gets up at 7am it is just getting light out so I still have the lights on and I am usually sitting at my computer.  He turned off the hall light upstairs and then came downstairs and turned off the dining room light, without asking me. I went ballistic. My justification was that, since I work at home, it was like he was in my office and how dare he make a decision that affected my ability to do my work.

I felt guilty about my over-reaction. I also brought into the ‘fight’ that he and his daughter are inconsiderate by leaving their personal belongings all over the house, not cleaning up the kitchen after themselves, etc.

I googled the difference between anger and resentment. I seems that anger is experienced in the moment-for the event that is occurring and resentment runs deeper as an emotion of anger built up over time for issues one has not dealt with let alone resolved.

What I then realized is that I am resentful towards him for not being open to moving and not being open to getting a loan so we can finish our renovations, which inhibits our ability to act should we decide to move.

We are so broke all the time, as our mortgage is large and the property tax is large as well as the bills to run the home (it is not a large home but not small either). So he is constantly turning down the heat, turning off lights etc. to reduce expenses. Although I agree with this strategy, I feel he goes to extremes about it and I want to be comfortable with small things in my home.

I believe we can live quite fine in a condo or smaller home. As well I worry that interest rates in Canada will rise (the government is warning the public this could happen at any time now) and as a consequence the housing market will crash and we will lose the equity we have in our home and end up owing more than we have, for example the value of the home drops to 100 and we owe 200. Therefore, we will not have any equity/money left to purchase a new home or even afford an apartment.

Whereas, if we moved now we would have a good sum to purchase a smaller property, even be mortgage free and thus reduce the financial stress in our lives and have money to assist our children with university, I could save to go to the Desteni Farm, he could go on a golf trip, whatever, not be cash strapped!

Thought: I hate Alex for penny pinching by turning off lights all the time and not agreeing to sell our home so we are not continually cash poor and stressed out and fighting.

Realizations: I realize Alex is doing his best to get along with me and ‘save’ our home. I realize he believes the market will subside/adjust somewhat and then slowly increase over time as we live in a ‘desirable’ location and the economy rises and falls and it will continue to do so as it did with our parents generation. I realize he thinks I adhere to some doomsday prophecy which he believes is unrealistic and I should not ‘worry’.  I realize it is my responsibility to address thoughts, feelings and emotions that come up inside of me and to communicate this calmly to another being when appropriate and not in reaction. I realize Alex loves and respects me and does intend the best for all of us as a family. I realize both he and Campbell have improved in picking up after themselves.

Acceptances & Allowances: I no longer accept and allow myself to react in anger and resentment towards Alex when he does things in the home to save money, we discuss bills, I bring up the option of moving, we are stressed before ‘payday’, the kids need money, we talk about our renovation.

Self Forgiveness:  I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think, ‘I hate Alex for penny pinching by turning off lights all the time and not agreeing to sell our home so we are not continually cash poor and stressed out and fighting.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not be aware of each and every movement within me so as to be responsible for my thoughts, feelings and emotions and not blame Alex for what I am experiencing.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to judge Alex as wrong and me as right, within the mind consciousness’s design of polarity thinking instead of focusing on myself and the issue so we can find a solution.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to harm myself by carrying issues within my human physical body by keeping silent in the moment when an issue arises, thereby creating resentment within and as me and unleashing this resentment toward someone I love and respect and causing them suffering.

Self-Corrective Application:  Whenever I go into an energetic reaction of resentment toward the thought, ‘I hate Alex for penny pinching by turning off lights all the time and not agreeing to sell our home so we are not continually cash poor and stressed out and fighting’ I stop, I breathe. I no longer accept and allow energy as a reaction inside of me to go unnoticed and not addressed. I remind myself it is all about money (which is not even real) and we are both working and life is very expensive. I remind myself Alex is my companion whom I appreciate as he offers me endless support and company. I bring myself back to the physical and out of my mind of thought, to what is in fact real and continue breathing with awareness of each breath here. I get on with my day.

*DIP  DesteniIProcess.Com     Please Investigate to Heal Yourself for Real



I saw an add recently stating something like; ‘Go away to Jamaca with Dr. Wayne Dyer’ which was some promo to win a trip. It had his picture with palm trees and a beach in the background. I am always amazed at how grateful people are to these celebrities who give away prizes. Do we realize how much money is made from a stunt like that , which is really to promote the sale of his books and seminars?  Dyer can afford to jump on a plane, first class, any day of the year and buy a villa on each of the Bahama Islands if he chooses. The money for such a stunt does not come out of the celebrity’s pocket, all work done and money comes from image companies/publicists etc. Charity stinks. Why doesn’t he purchase a homeless family a mortgage free home? Or get a list of families about to be thrown out of their homes onto the street and pay off their mortgage free and clear? THAT’S real support, compassion, love.  The rest is a carrot and stick with these celebrities laughing all the way to the bank. Is this ok with you, that image? Not suggesting Dyer deserves less just that we all deserve equal.

Anyway, be careful with a book like *The Power of Intention. What appears to be laying the foundation of truth is actually deception. Unfortunately, but for a few of you, you’ll know this soon enough as the information, ideas, philosophy, spirituality presented in this book does not work, did not work for me. What Wayne Dyer sells is hope, which is quite self serving (not intentionally, lol).

Just looking at a few chapter titles here in this blog to give you an example of the nonsense contained in this book.

Chapter 12: It is my Intention to: Attract Ideal People and Divine Relationships

First of all, if we lived in a world where all were supported equally, you would not be temped to purchase a book about attracting ‘ideal people and divine relationships’. The main premise of this chapter is to do so to bring money into your life! He suggests we can bring the ‘right’ people who will ‘move us forward’ in our endeavors and it will result in an ease of income, like he has. So it is motivated by self interest which is forced upon us by the way the world’s money system is set up. Supposedly, if you have this intention it will come by some super power/magic ’cause a higher power/force is on your side, the magic power being an idea in your mind and vision (again your mind).  What kind of a power/universe would agree to such a thing and how in any way is this a divine relationship. It’s just survival pure and simple and survival based on making money, not for the good of all, not for equality. If Mr. Dyer wants to attract divine relationships and teach others to do so he could do something concrete/real here in the physical by looking around and seeing poverty and promoting equal income for all.

Chapter 13:  It is my Intention to:  Optimize My Capacity to Heal and Be Healed

Why do you need an intention? If one realizes our minds/thoughts run rampant and hinder our ability to direct our lives effectively to bring lasting change, simply putting in more thoughts to the already overflowing stew that is our minds, will not sufficiently support us. It just makes you feel like a failure when it does not work because you can’t keep it up and inevitably go back to your old way of thinking.

This is a ridiculous claim; ‘Optimize My Capacity to Heal and Be Healed’ how can one optimize it if one does not know the very starting point of disease? If we as human beings knew how to do this, we would be doing it by now! But in fact we age and die, have accidents and die, get diseases/viruses and die.  We also build killing machines and destroy each other each and everyday! The starting point in the last example is the mind, wars begin and end with thoughts and those thoughts are based around money, gotta get it or gotta keep it and gotta protect it from other nations=my neighbor.

Quite simply a thought/intention, meditation (although helpful) will not be sufficient to effect lasting healing for the patient or the healer. You cannot heal another although one can assist and support in learning how to heal yourself. Our current medical system can assist with symptoms and diet and exercise can assist with putting off disease and aging but not heal. This is the current physical evidence, why fool ourselves, bring hope when hope is nothing but again an idea and not real, it gets people to open their wallets and this is what the author wants. I am not suggesting the author does not also have ‘good intentions’ and want his words to be true and wants to ‘help’ people, I’m sure he does but this does not change the fact that his message is based on hopes and promises and not results that equate real change and improvement  in people’s lives.  He does nothing more than ‘inspire’ ‘encourage’ and create energy in people to get up and ‘get going’. But with no where to go, the energy in people drains/dissipates and they are left with nothing but another book on the shelf, another $30 wasted knowing they contributed to this spiritual guru’s opulent fortune and fortress. He is financially safe, are you?

Investigate:              Desteni.Org           EqualMoney.Org  

Forget intention, lets fix this world for real, time to stand for all equally. Do you want to be part of a group of people who are helping change the world for real?  Join Us!

*The Power of Intention, By Wayne Dyer

Published By: Hay House Inc. February 2004, United States

Whether it be music playing  in head , lryics/poetry coming to you ‘out of the blue’, dreams, inspiration, imagination, voices speaking to you during sleep-like a powerful message, or when you first wake up; bad news people, it’s all deception. It is not some ‘special’ message from god, a higher being/intelligence, the universe, angels, a dead relative/friend/famous person, higher power, Jesus or any other deity.

It is your own mind! I know it’s ‘sad’ we are alone, I repeat it is your own mind, from your subconscious/unconscious. All of this really just gives you the run around, keeps you dependent on hope and not fully here in the physical, keeps you busy running, running on faith, hope, prayer.

Does it ever assist you in any practical way that is significant enough to change your life or the world? Well, that’s the tricky part because the answer is , sometimes! The other times we religious/spiritual faithfuls explain it away with ‘oh, it wasn’t time for me to get that’ ‘I obviously have to learn a lesson from not receiving this’ ‘I trust god/universe/ in the blank that it will come in time’ ‘I’m not in charge, I just hand it over and let god/universe etc. take the wheel’ and on and on.

What kind of loving force would not want you to be in charge, have control over your physical reality, your own destiny and remain helpless here? What kind of a ‘lesson’ does a child born into extreme poverty and starvation learn, if that is what you believe in?  Hey, even if you are financially loaded you will still age and crumble/decay and die so your ‘power’ of money is ultimately an illusion, nonetheless a helpful and necessary one.

I believed that a ‘higher’ more knowing force was communicating to me for years and I know several people who believe this, in some form or another, as well. It is widely accepted in the ‘spiritual’ wave of the last 15 or so years. Why it is considered less drastic and more ‘real’ or loving to worship the universe than a god, I have no idea? It all results in the same thing; you being controlled and you abdicating your responsibility for the mess of this world, here in this moment and each moment after!

Even now, that I understand it is my mind speaking to me, it pulls me in , for awhile, into  ideas, sweet promises of fame and fortune using my ego to lure me. Yes, into the world of thoughts dreams, hopes, fears (note: all the mind and not real) and away from self realization as who I really am as life, one and equal, on planet earth. So many of us spiritual ones have forgotten what is real; you with your feet on the ground, your eyes open, walking, moving…this is life and this is how things happen here! This is how we will truly effect change in our world.

For years, after I begged god for help when my husband left me and kids penniless, I received music in my mind and figured it was a sign and I was ‘suppose’ to write music and I wasted my time and life on ‘following the guidance of a higher power’. Note, I still love to write, play and sing, music is enjoyable to create and play and share! But it won’t change the world or it would have already.

The thing that fucks with you is sometimes your mind-higher force/god-is right!

OMG, I have accessed the almighty universal force, the secret OR OMG I am one of god’s special chosen ones, OR OMG I am psychic OR OMG I am given great lyrics,I’ll be rich and famous OR OMG I know where the roulette ball will land…so now life will be easy with this magic, psychic force, ability I have to foresee/predict the future (I could often) I will be able to earn a great income for my family and enjoy life! Right?

Wrong, the thing is, this ability/information is right sometimes and sometimes only.

So what good is it. Zero, I tried every which way in the book. Please don’t suggest it was because I ‘used god’s/universe’s gift wrong’. I did nothing but good 99% of the time, benevolent, charitable etc.

One good thing that came from following my higher power=my mind was I learned a lot, unwittingly, about the mind!

The main thing I learned was YOUR MIND WILL GO WHERE YOU LEAD IT or you can let it lead you. Very flexible that god/higher power is. If I think I want to be a nun the mind will go there, if I think I want to be a prostitute, cool says the mind, sell drugs to make quick easy money, ok, write music for charity and save the world, yes that’s cool too, to god/the mind, it will switch /change course with you (I realize not immediately but after a few warning nightmare’s or whatever). Not to overstate it, but if I say to myself/think about murder THE MIND WILL EVENTUALLY SUPPORT ME.  See a problem here?

You do not have to be faithful/loyal to something that is so flippant, dare I say insane?!

Conversely, if I let the mind lead, usually when  I was very fearful (like please ‘god’ tell me /show me the path), it would lead me to the world systems of survival always. To career, marriage, children, the whole story, being a ‘sexy’ woman to keep a man happy. But also bit of a loser never really building a life of stability, tranquility but plagued with self doubt/low esteem. That was my story, the story of Sandy, born….died…


So what is the mind? Please investigate:  Desteni.Org and

Be Part of a Movement that is Bringing About a New World That is Best for All:   EqualMoney.Org

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to agree to the cycles of birth and death whereby I create new beings and enslave myself and them, to the worlds systems  and to the suppression of ourselves as expressions of life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to marry and have children so as to keep busy by adding to the mind consciousnesses systems of the family and money, creating new life to feed into this system of supposed economic growth which is deleting planet earth.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to agree to forget that I am being recycled into infinity, never remembering who I was in a past life and thereby never being part of the solution here on earth to our destructive, selfish, `human`nature, letting millions suffer because I am only to be concerned with the well being of myself and my little unit=family.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see myself as a reproductive unit and not life and be concerned with marrying and having children and not even getting to know who and what I am as life and having almost no time (or money) to explore my unlimited true nature as life, only being obsessed with how my hair, makeup, clothing look to attract a mate, believing I have to ‘look a certain way’ to be worthy/deserving of another’s companionship.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to agree to a system of menstration, in which I bleed and suffer horrible cramping , each and every month since I was 13 years old, getting blood all over my clothing and bedding.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to now endure the system of men-o-pause in which I am shutting down the reproductive part of my body, as if I am now expendable and not valued as life here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to endure horrid hot flashes=night and day, sweats that make it impossible to get a good rest at night and making me tired and less productive or  able to enjoy my days.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to go through this process of menopause and not be able to enjoy and make good use of time, now that my children are independent.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to notice changes in my physical body; wrinkles, sagging skin on my legs, greying hair indicating I am on my way out/dying slowly but surely and to spend time fussing and covering up my physicality instead of being life here.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to  be possessed with thoughts, directed by fear, that I am expendable, diminishing,  busy aging and dying and not living.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be influenced by defeat, helplessness, hopelessness, fear, anxiety, shame, regret in thinking I shouldn’t bother writing music, it’s too late for me, I better shut up so I don’t piss my husband off, I need his money to survive, I better not piss off my children, I may want or need their company or assistance in the future as I age.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be directed by fear in thinking I am getting ugly and old and old people are shut away because it’s depressing to look at death in the face.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be directed by fear and anxiety in thinking I should have plastic surgery, exercise, loose weight, color my hair, dress fashionable, so I am still valuable to my husband, as he will still want me for sex, or if he dumps me I still need to seduce another man so I better not ‘let myself go’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see myself as old/older and continually comparing and compartmentalizing myself and others in accordance to age.

Realizations:  I realize I can be patient with myself as I learn and understand what I have agreed to and from this point on, participate in a new agreement with existence.

Self-Corrective Application:  I no longer accept and allow myself to suffocate my creativity and movement as me in each moment.   I no longer accept and allow a society/world that values youth only and it is acceptable for someone who is ‘young’ to be supported to grow and create but not an older person because of an assigned number which represents time accumulating in this world. I no longer accept and allow myself to think it is ok for a being to suffer and diminish in their physicality in this world but am in a process of investigation and discovery how we can come and go here in each moment of breath and not be slave to the construct of time and the mind of fear of death.

Whenever I am directed by fear, through the mind’s design of ego, that I am limited in anyway, but specifically in relation to living one and equal to my human physical body unconditionally (understanding it is a process I am in) I stop, I breathe. I remind myself again to be patient in my process of remaining here in each moment of breath and I bring myself out of my mind of polarities and alternate realities and back to what is real in the physical. I remind myself to be grateful for my day and get on with the task at hand.

Why even talk about this? Isn’t anything private anymore?

Well, the thing is, we are all here. If we are honest and take an assessment of our world, we see much sexual dysfunction, violence, abduction even, all around sex. Yes folks, you don’t need to die to go to hell anymore, its right here on planet earth in 2012!

Why is the world like this ? How did this happen?

So what, you ask? What does that have to do with masturbation, it is my ‘right’, it is my body, I can think what I want to ,I am not hurting anyone.

In this fascinating account, which is the free 30 minute introduction of a series of audios on masturbation, it is explained how our masturbation-how it is currently practiced by human beings- becomes a mind possession through the participation of images in our minds, our fantasies. These fantasies become an energetic addiction that ‘grow’ become more extreme to feed upon itself to satisfy the desire.  It goes on from there.

It is, indeed, not harmless to you or others. We are all connected, as we are all here.

Be good to yourself, free yourself, learn to pleasure yourself without giving up intimacy with another…and so much more.




This is another one of those ‘spiritual’ ‘self help’ books I devoured, ‘A Course in Miracles’.  It was channeled by Helen Schucman, a New York City Professor of Medical Psychology, in the late ’70’s. Just flipping through the book I am dismayed. The amount of content (600 pages, I read through 2-3 times) and the amount of deception in this book is massive. I do not suggest it was intentionally misleading. I now understand, through my association and particiaption with Desteni and the Desteni I Process, that it was her mind speaking to her.

Certain human beings in this world were pre-programmed to recite-have this information ‘come through’ from the other side, deliberately, to keep human beings infinitely screwed to believe in a ‘higher power’ and never become aware of their own ‘power’ and true unlimited nature as one and equal with the physical, as in the ‘living word’.

A point I want to make in common sense first is, although reading this book in earnest for years, nothing changed in my life, nothing of value came as a result of reading/studying it. It did nothing, in fact to practically assist my life and world in any valuable way. It did provide some ‘comfort’ that I needed, as in ‘oh well, my life sucks , I’m a total failure, but it doesn’t matter, cause apparently this world is not important. I can hold my head high because it is not materially/physically what is important, but that ‘god’ loves me and I am growing in my consciousness and learning to ascend this plane and move on to another, better existence, out there somewhere.’ Lol, it’s all about me , don’t ya know, all of these spiritual books feed our ego’s and tell us not to concern ourselves with others/our fellow man or the physical, that which we actually are and that which is really here!

Now, between being an alcoholic (sober 8 years now) and delving too far into my mind, with these spiritual books, I experienced some pretty freaky shit. Saw/expereinced several unexplainable  occurances/incidences.  I realize many will say, oh that’s ’cause you were intoxicated’. No, not while intoxicated, I am quite aware of the difference. Some of these unexplainable experiences were quite benevolent, so I did experience several ‘miracles’ however, point is …nothing happened to improve my life in any practical way.


Ok, so I literally just opened this book once at random. On page 388:chapter title, ‘I need do nothing’. It goes on to say:

Verse 1: “You still have too much faith in the body a source of strength. What plans do you make that do not involve its comfort or protection or enjoyment in some way? This makes the body an end and not a means in your interpretation, and this always means you still find sin attractive. No one accepts Atonement for himself who still accepts sin as his goal. You have thus not met your ONE responsibility. Atonement is not wecomed by those who prefer pain and destruction.”

WHF, so we have this crappy experience here on earth for some future event, some meeting in an alternate reality ‘heaven’ with some being we have to bow down to? My knees are pretty soar now, here on earth! What about my life and my children’s life right now, right here? My body is here, it is real, I am in it, I am it. This text is stating outright my physical body is a ‘means’ and not an end. How ridiculous, all one needs to do is the exact opposite of what the chapter title states; move! One step at a time,  one breath at a time. That, my friend, will heal our planet for real.

“I need do nothing” Well , I did nothing but exist on faith and guess what, nothing happened! As Einstein said, ‘Nothing happens until something moves’,  that is just a fact, no mumbo jumbo is going to ever change that. I needed to get my head out of the clouds and take practical steps to assist myself and my family but instead I trusted this source. It was, afterall,  ‘channeled’ so this communication/being/intelligence that came through must know something that I don’t, right?

This passage also suggests that taking care of my physical body is a ‘sin’/wrong/not what ‘god’ wants me to do and lists: comfort, protection, enjoyment as examples of this wrongdoing. This makes me furious but I will stop and breathe. Ok, people it is perfectly acceptable to want comfort, protection and enjoyment in your life and for your physicality and to take proper care of yourself, why else would life be worth living for god’s sake? Didn’t someone once say: ‘Your body is your temple’?  That makes a little more sense to me.

This stating that the body is just a means to a supposed ‘future’, greater purpose-after death- only serves to justify complacent self interest in doing nothing while others suffer needlessly, being occupied in our minds and not standing up and moving to take steps to end starvation, war, capitalism, the rape of human beings and the planet, world wide poverty, animal abuse and the many other atrocities currently taking place on earth.

The word ‘one’ was highlight. So my ‘one’ responsibility is atonement?

According to March 10/12: Atonement:  the doctrine concerning the reconciliation of God and humankind, especially as accomplished through the life, suffering, and death of Christ.

What a load! Let’s see how much you’re concerned with your ‘reconciliation’ with god and not the ‘’ of your body if we take away your food, your home, your safety, your money!  You would do everything in your power to get your basic needs met first before you sat crossed legged and closed your eyes and meditated/knelt and prayed to some invisible force! So when your belly is full, you have warmth and a bed, the safety of a home, money to go to the odd movie or take a vacation, and on and on, then the so-called ‘spiritualists’ vainly claim they don’t need the body. While we do not do this for another NOW, millions do not have their basic needs met in this very moment.  Shame on us.

Miracles and  spirituality are nothing but excuses for mankind to sit on it’s ass, pretend to be blind to the needs of others and worse, pretend it doesn’t matter. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil =  Be Evil.

That was just opening the book one time, at random.

Ideas and beliefs exist only in the mind and are not real. The physical is real. Get Real. Investigate DesteniIProcess.Com

If this makes sense to you, please investigate:  Desteni.Org   &   EqualMoney.Org

Join us in walking, breath by breath, towards a better life for all, in this reality, to bring heaven on earth in fact, for all equally -no ascension required- through an Equal Money System and an awareness of what we will accept and allow, on our awesome earth.

I was stunned to find out that a major reason there is so many millions dying of starvation in African countries each year is that, of the 10 countries that the Nile River runs through, only 1 of these countries has the ‘right’ to use the water from the river for irrigation/farming/transportation or any other purpose! This is because Egypt supposedly ‘owns’ the water ‘rights’ of the Nile River.

As if anyone really ‘owns’ any part of mother earth. It is merely a concept, an idea someone came up with to enforce safety measures against those that intrude and steal or more often, simple greed, to keep all for oneself or ones ‘country’. Why cannot we not keep the safety measures but forgo the unfair idea of ownership? Answer, we can!

If you think of two children fighting over a toy, the one child crying ‘it’s mine’ , he only ever gets to ‘keep’ it  if he is bigger/stronger, or someone else (the adult) intervenes and says what the ‘rule’ is.

It seems back in 1925 there was a treaty signed between Britian, who held Dominion over much of the African continent=came with weapons and murdered people to steal the wealth of the African countries and take it back ‘home’ to Britiian. Back then, Egypt and Sudan were Britain’s source of cotton and Britian knew that their rate of production was only possible through the Nile and the use of massive irrigation systems. So in this treaty Britian and Egypt decided that the Nile belonged to Egypt AND and that no-one is allowed to do anything with the water that, as a consequence, will lessen the amount of water that ends up in Egypt, thereby insuring Britian’s cotton crop production.

That’s right, they just decided=they made it up! No complicated economic theory needed here, they did this  just because they could, because their stick was bigger than the other countries sticks. Just like the two little children fighting over the toy, they were bigger and stronger so got their way. It’s all about power and control and greed.

But supposedly they based this decision on the fact that Egypt has a 7000 year history with the Nile, way back starting with the Pharoas so historically and traditionally belongs to them. Well, we have to stop referring to history and the past to make decisions based on today. Instead, we must use common sense and compassion to decide upon an approach that is best for all life, which in this case would be all countries through which the Nile flows, are able to use this natural resource to better their economy and support the population!

Another reasons for this decision was it had been determined that Egypt was the country which had made most efficient use of the Nile, in economic terms. So what? Are we not all life? Does a newborn baby today deserve to suffer starvation and die in agony because 85 years ago it’s birth country did not make as efficient use of the Nile as Egypt? We are talking here about an invisible dividing line (again made up by human beings) separating  the land and people into ‘countries’. It is not in fact ‘real’, we make it real by our agreement to participate. Also, let not the fact escape us, that ‘efficient use’ of the Nile meant that Egypt produced cotton for Britian which they could profit from and provide clothing for their people, total self interested motives. The invisible lines have to come down as we wake up to the fact that, this approach, is not what is best for all, as life one and equal. No hoarding commodities, such as cotton, so you can control supply and demand, thereby controlling prices at the expense of millions of others.

Can you honestly look in the mirror or in your child’s eyes and say your child does not deserve to have a comfortable, enjoyable, dignified life but the child across the invisible line=boarder, does? There is a difference is the quality of life because there is a different starting point of the two children, this is inequality. I am not suggesting we eliminate boarders as they provide logistical reference points so we can communicate and move about on our earth. I am suggesting we understand that boarders are nothing more than that–lines we have made up for practical purposes. We do not need to kill each other over imaginary lines! One planet needs one goal; decisions based upon the principal of what is best for all life, period.

Sadly, Ethiopia, which was the only African country that was never colonized, simply had ‘no legal representation’ and thus no say in the matter when this treaty was being written and signed, while over 80% if the water that ends up in Egypt originates from Ethiopia! Alot of the countries, when the treaty was being signed, were also too busy focusing on just surviving, so they didn’t really pay attention to the treaty or started thinking of some magnificent irrigation system as they simply did not have that luxury.

After independence from Britian, a few African countries declared the treaty as void but the treaty was never really challenged and nothing was every really done about it because the other countries were scared of Egypt’s military force, also knowing that Egypt still has strong ties with Britain’s, a powerful nation indeed.

Of course, many countries in order to develop, need these type of natural resources to support themselves, just as Egypt did with the Nile, which brings a lot of advantage in terms of agriculture (to irrigate the land in the case of the Nile) and transportation.

So every year Ethiopia and other countries get millions of dollars into the country as ‘food aid’. Also, realize, that when this investment as food is eaten, it is gone. The problem remains, charity is not effective as a solution to starvation.  Crazy, when there is the Nile flowing right through their land!  A sickening consequence of the Nile River ‘ownership’ issue:  wasted food and food aid.

To add to the insanity no one is allowed to assist these devastated African countries in the investment of dams and irrigation system and hydro power  which will actually help them get somewhere to improve the standard of living and create their own food source! And then the few farmers who do work their farms to produce food – can’t get their food sold because its cheaper to get free food aid. So they end up not being able to sell anything and end up joining the food aid line. Ironic.

There exist warehouses in Ethiopia FULL of food, grown right there in Ethiopia. And a warehouse next door FULL FULL with bags of food with the American flag on it, food aid food. So all the food these poor farmers worked so hard for, just rots away and then you end up with a whole nation of people being dependent on food aid. Insanity plain and simple, theft of  9 African countries ability to stand on their own feet, live with dignity, provide sustenance and jobs for their population.

Investigage the solution here:




I bought and read many spiritual ‘self help’ books over the last 20 years. Probably 30-40 books. There is no doubt they provided a band-aid, some temporary relief to a confused, ‘searching’ woman needing some meaning for her existence. There was never anything I read that brought clarity to who or what I was or why I was alive, the meaning of my life or life in it’s entirety.

‘The Power of Intention’ *1 by Wayne Dyer, was one such book. I don’t have anything personally against the author, in fact I believe he is probably sincere, misguided and ineffective (except for his own personal financial gain) but sincere. I am just as guilty of ‘wanting’ that manifestation of wealth for self interested reasons and greed as anyone is. I bought it hook, line and sinker, didn’t materialize for me though. I am now walking a self corrective process at Desteni, which will result in self purification and self perfection, one breath at a time, so as to never live in self interest again but to consider and act in accordance to what is best for all life in all ways. I believe Mr. Dyer would admit, if put to the wall, he knew, for the vast majority, it would not be successful but I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt that he would want it to ‘work’ for his readers/followers.

I was going to look for passages I had highlighted but just looking at the chapter titles is enough to discuss here why I now believe this book provides no useful purpose to the life of human beings.

chapter 7: It is my Intention to: Respect Myself at all Times.

In itself, this statement is not incorrect as a preferred way to live. Respect is actually more real and powerful than the idea of love. It is paramount in a compassionate society and in any relationship, be it with yourself or another. However, without even going into what Dyer writes within the chapter itself, he is forgetting and /or ignoring one tinsy, winsy fact; the millions of human beings who cannot even get enough food to eat today let alone go to a bookstore and purchase his book. So where does he get off posing as some spiritual leader, someone we are to look to for guidance to show us/be a role model for a ‘decent’ human being.  As far as I can see he is a muti-millionaire who writes about ideas, basically positive thinking books, while he ignores the suffering of the world’s poor and disadvantaged.

How is someone born into poverty (with no advantages to take practical steps to get out of that poverty) even to begin to fathom that statement. Many people do not have the opportunity to attend school, receive proper healthcare, nutrition, housing-these are just the basics one needs to survive let alone be concerned with respecting themselves. Actually, it is understood by most people, that one deserves respect automatically as life. But time and experience in this world proves to them otherwise. They do not receive respect, one and equal to the author, as a fellow human being. They are ignored and left to suffer and then die, unnoticed by the ‘haves’.

Chapter 11: It is My Intention to: Live a Stress-Free, Tranquil Life.

Really? And is this accomplished by ‘manifesting’ money and all the goodies life has to offer by meditation, prayer, positive thinking…hmmm…business smarts, a business aptitude, the right connections, the right education, the right family, money to get things started/moving? Yup, all of the above and only a few ‘lucky’ ones make it at that.

It is never my intention to become so smart mouthed when writing these blogs but honestly, I just get so pissed off! Does Mr. Dyer assume that some in this world are ‘special’ , ‘blessed’, ‘fortunate’ and others…well…just not. So it is the responsibility of the ‘blessed’ ones to spread the love and light message and ‘give generously to charity’. How has this helped the world? It has not. Again, the idea of living a stress free and tranquil life is desirable but I do not see any results that his methods are working but for a few and more importantly, at the expense of the many. Earth is increasingly polarized  between the rich and poor. Pretty hard to be tranquil when you are experiencing famine, watching your children wither away before your eyes and you are helpless to save them. Pretty hard to be stress free-or have the time to meditate on this idea-when you are facing eviction and you have lost your job and have a family to care for.

For humanity to live stress free and tranquil then all must be given all they need. However, perhaps I am off track, he does not speak about humanity, just the individual, self interest. Never is ‘what is best for all’ mentioned.

Chapter 10: It is my Intention to :Feel Successful and Attract Abundance into My Life.

Ah yes, there it is, the use of the almighty god of Energy! Specifically, this energy generation is designed to attract the real god of the human being-Money.

It’s just too ridiculous to go into detail but again how can one even start this process (I do get it- it’s a ‘fake it ’till ya make it’ approach as in; that’s what the universe wants/needs you to do, visualize etc, in order over time to ‘manifest’ your greedy desires) if one does not have the time or comfortable surrounding/home/bed/food ? It is not practical, it is not fair , it is not equal. Mr. Dyer, why do you ‘preach’ practices that people do not have equal access to? How does this assist and support human beings to solve any of the world’s very real and pressing problems? ‘Oh, it’s up to the universe, not I, I am a humble servant only’, is the kind of excuse you hear thrown out there.

So what’s the universe to do, pick and choose? No, my friend, it is us human beings, you and I, who are guilty of picking and choosing. The universe is neutral, as in ‘we are all one’. It is time for us to join the universe, in fact-for real, and not in some airy fairy way based on ‘feelings of love’ in your mind but walking breath by breath, with your feet firmly planted on mother earth and fix this bloody mess, in the physical!

Feed one another, clothe one another, heal one another, house one another = real love one another.

A teacher who walked this earth once said; ‘Love thy neighbor as thyself’,  I do not see this in action in this book.

I see, get incredibly rich off your fellow man, and help but 1% of your readers get incredibly rich too. Fuck the rest, I don’t see them, I don’t know them, I won’t think about them. I’ll meditate on ideas of bliss and beauty, love and light and create/manifest that- off your buck- in my own life, for my own family and let, nameless and faceless millions, starve, suffer, commit suicide, die. Why? Because one gets blinded by too much light. Time to go into the dark and dirty, get down and dirty and clean this shit up.

Hey…First Things First. Equal Money for all, so all may live a dignified, enjoyable life, not just some! Let’s stop being hypocrites.

Join us in building a new world, in which all can participate fully, over time, to create the ideals this book suggests.

Please investigate:        EqualMoney.Org          DesteniIProcess.Com              Desteni.Org

*1  The Power of Intention, By Wayne Dyer

Published By: Hay House Inc. February 2004, United States