Posts Tagged ‘heaven’

Why even talk about this? Isn’t anything private anymore?

Well, the thing is, we are all here. If we are honest and take an assessment of our world, we see much sexual dysfunction, violence, abduction even, all around sex. Yes folks, you don’t need to die to go to hell anymore, its right here on planet earth in 2012!

Why is the world like this ? How did this happen?

So what, you ask? What does that have to do with masturbation, it is my ‘right’, it is my body, I can think what I want to ,I am not hurting anyone.

In this fascinating account, which is the free 30 minute introduction of a series of audios on masturbation, it is explained how our masturbation-how it is currently practiced by human beings- becomes a mind possession through the participation of images in our minds, our fantasies. These fantasies become an energetic addiction that ‘grow’ become more extreme to feed upon itself to satisfy the desire.  It goes on from there.

It is, indeed, not harmless to you or others. We are all connected, as we are all here.

Be good to yourself, free yourself, learn to pleasure yourself without giving up intimacy with another…and so much more.




This is another one of those ‘spiritual’ ‘self help’ books I devoured, ‘A Course in Miracles’.  It was channeled by Helen Schucman, a New York City Professor of Medical Psychology, in the late ’70’s. Just flipping through the book I am dismayed. The amount of content (600 pages, I read through 2-3 times) and the amount of deception in this book is massive. I do not suggest it was intentionally misleading. I now understand, through my association and particiaption with Desteni and the Desteni I Process, that it was her mind speaking to her.

Certain human beings in this world were pre-programmed to recite-have this information ‘come through’ from the other side, deliberately, to keep human beings infinitely screwed to believe in a ‘higher power’ and never become aware of their own ‘power’ and true unlimited nature as one and equal with the physical, as in the ‘living word’.

A point I want to make in common sense first is, although reading this book in earnest for years, nothing changed in my life, nothing of value came as a result of reading/studying it. It did nothing, in fact to practically assist my life and world in any valuable way. It did provide some ‘comfort’ that I needed, as in ‘oh well, my life sucks , I’m a total failure, but it doesn’t matter, cause apparently this world is not important. I can hold my head high because it is not materially/physically what is important, but that ‘god’ loves me and I am growing in my consciousness and learning to ascend this plane and move on to another, better existence, out there somewhere.’ Lol, it’s all about me , don’t ya know, all of these spiritual books feed our ego’s and tell us not to concern ourselves with others/our fellow man or the physical, that which we actually are and that which is really here!

Now, between being an alcoholic (sober 8 years now) and delving too far into my mind, with these spiritual books, I experienced some pretty freaky shit. Saw/expereinced several unexplainable  occurances/incidences.  I realize many will say, oh that’s ’cause you were intoxicated’. No, not while intoxicated, I am quite aware of the difference. Some of these unexplainable experiences were quite benevolent, so I did experience several ‘miracles’ however, point is …nothing happened to improve my life in any practical way.


Ok, so I literally just opened this book once at random. On page 388:chapter title, ‘I need do nothing’. It goes on to say:

Verse 1: “You still have too much faith in the body a source of strength. What plans do you make that do not involve its comfort or protection or enjoyment in some way? This makes the body an end and not a means in your interpretation, and this always means you still find sin attractive. No one accepts Atonement for himself who still accepts sin as his goal. You have thus not met your ONE responsibility. Atonement is not wecomed by those who prefer pain and destruction.”

WHF, so we have this crappy experience here on earth for some future event, some meeting in an alternate reality ‘heaven’ with some being we have to bow down to? My knees are pretty soar now, here on earth! What about my life and my children’s life right now, right here? My body is here, it is real, I am in it, I am it. This text is stating outright my physical body is a ‘means’ and not an end. How ridiculous, all one needs to do is the exact opposite of what the chapter title states; move! One step at a time,  one breath at a time. That, my friend, will heal our planet for real.

“I need do nothing” Well , I did nothing but exist on faith and guess what, nothing happened! As Einstein said, ‘Nothing happens until something moves’,  that is just a fact, no mumbo jumbo is going to ever change that. I needed to get my head out of the clouds and take practical steps to assist myself and my family but instead I trusted this source. It was, afterall,  ‘channeled’ so this communication/being/intelligence that came through must know something that I don’t, right?

This passage also suggests that taking care of my physical body is a ‘sin’/wrong/not what ‘god’ wants me to do and lists: comfort, protection, enjoyment as examples of this wrongdoing. This makes me furious but I will stop and breathe. Ok, people it is perfectly acceptable to want comfort, protection and enjoyment in your life and for your physicality and to take proper care of yourself, why else would life be worth living for god’s sake? Didn’t someone once say: ‘Your body is your temple’?  That makes a little more sense to me.

This stating that the body is just a means to a supposed ‘future’, greater purpose-after death- only serves to justify complacent self interest in doing nothing while others suffer needlessly, being occupied in our minds and not standing up and moving to take steps to end starvation, war, capitalism, the rape of human beings and the planet, world wide poverty, animal abuse and the many other atrocities currently taking place on earth.

The word ‘one’ was highlight. So my ‘one’ responsibility is atonement?

According to March 10/12: Atonement:  the doctrine concerning the reconciliation of God and humankind, especially as accomplished through the life, suffering, and death of Christ.

What a load! Let’s see how much you’re concerned with your ‘reconciliation’ with god and not the ‘’ of your body if we take away your food, your home, your safety, your money!  You would do everything in your power to get your basic needs met first before you sat crossed legged and closed your eyes and meditated/knelt and prayed to some invisible force! So when your belly is full, you have warmth and a bed, the safety of a home, money to go to the odd movie or take a vacation, and on and on, then the so-called ‘spiritualists’ vainly claim they don’t need the body. While we do not do this for another NOW, millions do not have their basic needs met in this very moment.  Shame on us.

Miracles and  spirituality are nothing but excuses for mankind to sit on it’s ass, pretend to be blind to the needs of others and worse, pretend it doesn’t matter. Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil =  Be Evil.

That was just opening the book one time, at random.

Ideas and beliefs exist only in the mind and are not real. The physical is real. Get Real. Investigate DesteniIProcess.Com

If this makes sense to you, please investigate:  Desteni.Org   &   EqualMoney.Org

Join us in walking, breath by breath, towards a better life for all, in this reality, to bring heaven on earth in fact, for all equally -no ascension required- through an Equal Money System and an awareness of what we will accept and allow, on our awesome earth.

I was stunned to find out that a major reason there is so many millions dying of starvation in African countries each year is that, of the 10 countries that the Nile River runs through, only 1 of these countries has the ‘right’ to use the water from the river for irrigation/farming/transportation or any other purpose! This is because Egypt supposedly ‘owns’ the water ‘rights’ of the Nile River.

As if anyone really ‘owns’ any part of mother earth. It is merely a concept, an idea someone came up with to enforce safety measures against those that intrude and steal or more often, simple greed, to keep all for oneself or ones ‘country’. Why cannot we not keep the safety measures but forgo the unfair idea of ownership? Answer, we can!

If you think of two children fighting over a toy, the one child crying ‘it’s mine’ , he only ever gets to ‘keep’ it  if he is bigger/stronger, or someone else (the adult) intervenes and says what the ‘rule’ is.

It seems back in 1925 there was a treaty signed between Britian, who held Dominion over much of the African continent=came with weapons and murdered people to steal the wealth of the African countries and take it back ‘home’ to Britiian. Back then, Egypt and Sudan were Britain’s source of cotton and Britian knew that their rate of production was only possible through the Nile and the use of massive irrigation systems. So in this treaty Britian and Egypt decided that the Nile belonged to Egypt AND and that no-one is allowed to do anything with the water that, as a consequence, will lessen the amount of water that ends up in Egypt, thereby insuring Britian’s cotton crop production.

That’s right, they just decided=they made it up! No complicated economic theory needed here, they did this  just because they could, because their stick was bigger than the other countries sticks. Just like the two little children fighting over the toy, they were bigger and stronger so got their way. It’s all about power and control and greed.

But supposedly they based this decision on the fact that Egypt has a 7000 year history with the Nile, way back starting with the Pharoas so historically and traditionally belongs to them. Well, we have to stop referring to history and the past to make decisions based on today. Instead, we must use common sense and compassion to decide upon an approach that is best for all life, which in this case would be all countries through which the Nile flows, are able to use this natural resource to better their economy and support the population!

Another reasons for this decision was it had been determined that Egypt was the country which had made most efficient use of the Nile, in economic terms. So what? Are we not all life? Does a newborn baby today deserve to suffer starvation and die in agony because 85 years ago it’s birth country did not make as efficient use of the Nile as Egypt? We are talking here about an invisible dividing line (again made up by human beings) separating  the land and people into ‘countries’. It is not in fact ‘real’, we make it real by our agreement to participate. Also, let not the fact escape us, that ‘efficient use’ of the Nile meant that Egypt produced cotton for Britian which they could profit from and provide clothing for their people, total self interested motives. The invisible lines have to come down as we wake up to the fact that, this approach, is not what is best for all, as life one and equal. No hoarding commodities, such as cotton, so you can control supply and demand, thereby controlling prices at the expense of millions of others.

Can you honestly look in the mirror or in your child’s eyes and say your child does not deserve to have a comfortable, enjoyable, dignified life but the child across the invisible line=boarder, does? There is a difference is the quality of life because there is a different starting point of the two children, this is inequality. I am not suggesting we eliminate boarders as they provide logistical reference points so we can communicate and move about on our earth. I am suggesting we understand that boarders are nothing more than that–lines we have made up for practical purposes. We do not need to kill each other over imaginary lines! One planet needs one goal; decisions based upon the principal of what is best for all life, period.

Sadly, Ethiopia, which was the only African country that was never colonized, simply had ‘no legal representation’ and thus no say in the matter when this treaty was being written and signed, while over 80% if the water that ends up in Egypt originates from Ethiopia! Alot of the countries, when the treaty was being signed, were also too busy focusing on just surviving, so they didn’t really pay attention to the treaty or started thinking of some magnificent irrigation system as they simply did not have that luxury.

After independence from Britian, a few African countries declared the treaty as void but the treaty was never really challenged and nothing was every really done about it because the other countries were scared of Egypt’s military force, also knowing that Egypt still has strong ties with Britain’s, a powerful nation indeed.

Of course, many countries in order to develop, need these type of natural resources to support themselves, just as Egypt did with the Nile, which brings a lot of advantage in terms of agriculture (to irrigate the land in the case of the Nile) and transportation.

So every year Ethiopia and other countries get millions of dollars into the country as ‘food aid’. Also, realize, that when this investment as food is eaten, it is gone. The problem remains, charity is not effective as a solution to starvation.  Crazy, when there is the Nile flowing right through their land!  A sickening consequence of the Nile River ‘ownership’ issue:  wasted food and food aid.

To add to the insanity no one is allowed to assist these devastated African countries in the investment of dams and irrigation system and hydro power  which will actually help them get somewhere to improve the standard of living and create their own food source! And then the few farmers who do work their farms to produce food – can’t get their food sold because its cheaper to get free food aid. So they end up not being able to sell anything and end up joining the food aid line. Ironic.

There exist warehouses in Ethiopia FULL of food, grown right there in Ethiopia. And a warehouse next door FULL FULL with bags of food with the American flag on it, food aid food. So all the food these poor farmers worked so hard for, just rots away and then you end up with a whole nation of people being dependent on food aid. Insanity plain and simple, theft of  9 African countries ability to stand on their own feet, live with dignity, provide sustenance and jobs for their population.

Investigage the solution here:




What happens to children when they pass over from this physical dimension of earth? Why are they protected?

He did not embrace heaven, why?

What part are they playing in existence as a whole?

This is a fascinating account of a young boy who died of cancer at the age of 7, what he found on the other side and his understanding of what is going on in (what was) heaven and earth. He did find stability with other children that had passed.

Then something happened!

It was something ‘…we’ve all been waiting for…I knew, in a way, everything would be ok….’

‘The answer… to ourselves, to the return to ourselves…’

Enjoy this amazing story!

January 2011

2011 – First Blog: My Process at Deteni

2011 – my process…SHUT UP

2011 – Loser and Gossip

2011 – Humiliation and the Money System

2011 – Good Intentions

2011 – How I am not real…I change moment to moment

2011 – My master fear shouts ‘hurry up’

2011 – hate and murder…it’s right there inside of me

2011 – News:  Horrible images of the dead but I am numb

2011 – Egomania

2011 – Fear of Standing Up

2011 – A Disaplined Life

2011 – The Existing Money System and Debt

February 2011

2011 – Fear of Attack:  My Process with Desteni

2011 – My Friend Pika:  Process, A First

2011 – I Am One Vote For World Equality

2011 – Self Trust & Common Sense

2011 – Joy

2011 – Sugar Addiction

2011 – Starting to Experience Life

2011 – Why on Earth-lyrics

March 2011

2011 – Dropping the Ball and Chain

2011 – Exploiting Cheap Labor: Does Ignorant = Innocent?

2011 – Comparison; Woman Against Woman

2011 – Process: Changes

April 2011

2011 – Process: Facing my Fears…uh oh…Huge Step Back

2011 – I Fear Smoking: Self Forgiveness

2011 – I Fear Losing Money:  Self Forgiveness

2011 – Are We Not ALL Princes Among Men?

May 2011

2011 – Al-Queda Recruits: What am I  Missing Here?

2011 – My Experience with the Real Estate Career Scam

2011 – Canadian Election Shocker:  Hope for future equality…in the future

2011 – Why didn’t I take my Kids to Cool ‘Singalong’ Classes when They were Young?

2011 – I Hate My Husband;   Anger/Blame

2011 – The End is Here, yes the end of BS with an Equal Money System

2011 – Banking: Price Increases…Insatiable Greed

2011 – Sport:  Competition Destroys the Self Esteem of the large majority of our Children

2011 – Music:  Beyonce Is A Bully

June 2011

2011 – Why Sex Sells

2011 – Mind Control – Cult – Beware !

2011 – MultiNational Greed and the Ugly Result

2011 – Causes of Poverty-Shocking Worldwide Statistics

2011 – Vanity & Me:  Self Forgiveness on the Beauty System

2011 – Realizations!  Fear of Aging

July 2011

2011 – Why I Stand for Equal Money and World Equality

2011 – Emotions and Re-defining ‘Beauty’

2011 – Where ‘God’ led me:  An Exurpt from a Case Study on Alcoholism

2011 – Loss:  What I now realize.  What I will now accept and what I will not accept.

2011 – The Road To Hell is Paved With Good Intentions

2011 – Quantum Self Realizations

August 2011

2011 – Jealousy:  My Sister got the Family Cottage

2011 – Regret:  The talk with my Dad

2011 – Trigger Points:  Self Forgiveness and Self Corrective Statements

2011 – Life as Survival of the Fittest Versus Life in an Equal Money System

2011 – Equal Money is Not Communism

Septmeber 2011 

2011 – What Happens when I Accept an Idea of ‘God’?

2011 – Experiences Keep Us Stuck

2011 – Self Forgiveness:  Self Sabotage:  The point of Inferiority

2011 – Self Forgiveness:  Self Sabotage:  Assumptions

2011 – Self Forgiveness Book:  Childhood:  Thought Patterns

October  2011

2011 – Childhood Patterns:  Inhibitions

2011 – Poverty & Pregnancy

2011 – Childhood Memories:  Humiliation

2011 – Self Forgiveness:  Childhood Memories:  Submissive Women

2011- Unplanned Pregnancy & Equal Money

2011 – FAQ:  Will Indigenous People Preserve their ‘Rights’ to live Outside the System?

2011 – FAQ Equal Money:  Will I have to Wait in Line for Bread?

2011 – The Future of Money 2012:  Will There Be Banks in an Equal Money System?

November 2011

2011 – Self Forgiveness on Childhood:  Thought Patterns:  Fear of Men

2011 – Process:  Letting Go of my Relationship Personality

2011 – Self Forgiveness:  Thought Patterns:  Boyfriends

2011 – Self Forgiveness:  High School Girlfriends

2011 – Self Forgiveness:  Thought Patterns:   Family-In-Laws

2011 – Self Forgiveness:  Thought Patterns:  My Father’s Drinking

2011 – FAQ:  Equal money System:  Are you just going to print cash?

2011 – FAQ:  Equal Money System:  Will there be Euthanasia?

2011 – FAQ:  Equal Money System 2020:  BIG (Basic Income Grant)

2011 – Process:  Fantasies of Older Men: Realizations and Self Corrective Statements

December 2011

2011 – Self Forgiveness:  Thought Patterns:  Teen/Young Adult

2011 – FAQ:  Equal Money System 2020:  No more cheap glasses that ruin your eyes!

2011 – FAQ:  The End of Weapons Production with Equal Money

2011 – FAQ:  Equal Money System 2020:  No More OWS (Occupy Wall Street)

2011 – FAQ:  Equal Money System 2020:  Free World Travel

2011 – FAQ:  Equal Money System 2020:  No more Deepak Chopra

2011 – Self Forgiveness on Use of Sleep Aids

2011 – Self Forgiveness on Alcoholism

January 2012

2012 – Self Forgiveness on ‘Happy” Childhood Memories

2012 – Self Forgiveness As Last Life

2012 – Self Forgiveness As Another:  The Money System

2012 – Self Forgiveness As Another:  Parents, siblings, world systems, other

2012 – Self Forgiveness:  Karma

2012 – Self Forgiveness on Magic:  The Role of Time

2012 – 2012 Why I Could Hear the Desteni Message

2012 – 2012 Is it more than a Prediction? Is it the End?

2012 – 2012 Are you truly Alone? Where is the Savior?

2012 – 2012: Facing the Religion of Self

February 2012

2012 – 2012: What Does it Mean to Live Absolute?

2012 – 2012:  Will You Survive the Financial Collapse?

2012 – Eckhart Tolle’s New Earth:  Did I take that seriously?

2012 – History of the Interdimentional Portal

March 2012

2012 – Wayne Dyer’s ‘Power of Intention’ What Purpose Does it Serve?

2012 – Economics: Ownership: The Lie that Kills

2012 – Secrets of Masturbation: Why even talk about it? Isn’t anything private anymore?

2012 – ‘A Course in Miracles’ :  The miracle did nothing to improve my life

2012 – Voices in the Mind are Deception Not a Higher Power

April 2012

2012 – W. Dyer:  Looking at “The Power Of Intention”

2012 – Re-defining Education:  Social Develpment 1 to 6 months

2012 – Healing Resentment: I’m So Pissed at My Husband!

2012 – Sandy’s Journey To Life:  Day 1:  Resistance

2012 – Sandy’s Journey To Life:  Day 2:  Failed Relationships

May 2012

2012 – Day 3:  I Hate that Rich Bitch:  Facing Jealousy, Regret, Spite

2012   Day 4: Failed Relationships: Facing My Father

2012 – Day 5: Failed Relationships: Facing my Father 2

2012 – Day 6: Failed Realtionships: My Mom: Being Bitchy to Store Clerks and My Partner

2012 – Day 7: Facing my Father 3 : Little Girls are Inferior

2012 – Day 8:  Failed Relationships: Rushing

2012 – Day 9: Personality Patterns: I Am Mom

2012 – Day 10: Personality Patterns: I Am Mom the Protector

June 2012

2012 – Day 11: Mom as the possession of Worry

Day 11: Personalities: ‘Mom’ as the Possession of Worry

2012 – Day 12: Me as Mom: Summer Camp for the Rich

Day 12: Me as Mom: Summer Camp for the Rich

2012 – Day 13: Facing Me as Mom: The Wicked Wealthy Ski Chalet

Day 13: Facing Myself as ‘Mom’: The Wicked Wealthy Ski Chalet

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that magic-quantum time is possible. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think I could handle reality in quantum time (instant manifestation of a thought or the spoken word). I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to go into an energetic reaction of fear when I think of actually being responsible for quantum time, lol I’d have the whole world gone a ‘poof’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to exist as and within continual timeloops as time as energy, going in circular within life as I exist in and as the mind, never slowing down enough to be a real creator of my world/reality but running in circles, no matter if I do things ‘differently’, with always the same outcome.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to continually add more and more knowledge and information in and as my mind and not consider it is how I use this information-move and effect an outcome with and as it- (not whether I understand it) that is key to not ending up back at the beginning, over and over to infinity, so not really expanding, becoming, creating myself beyond what /who I am now .

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be influenced by fear 1000 times a day as I think, ‘damn, I’m getting older, I look older, I am tired because I’m older, I’m gaining weight because I’m older now, my hair is more grey, my knee hurts because of my age as older, I shouldn’t do x because I am older now, the women at the school are younger, they look better, I’ll move to a smaller house with no mortgage because I’m getting older, …… ( Note: these thoughts are layered…but they are they, it is indeed extensive!) so forever being enslaved/trapped in my mind in a story, sequence of pre-programmed events of a ‘lifetime’ and never being /experiencing/creating LIFE as me , who I am ‘here’ in each breath, as one and equal to all that exist!

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to see myself as a picture in a picture world and myself as a story in a timeline, as a seed with the timeline rolled up within it (taken from a Desteni vlog, lol, fascinating) and as the timeline unravels and the seed grows, it indeed has an end, and I as the story, end… who made that nasty bit up?!  Lol.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe the patterns my mind has trapped me into,  closed patterns, as in a circle, not really learning/growing/evolving but compromising myself more and more, letting ‘things beyond my control’ go because I am powerless, and after all people don’t like/won’t like me ‘if I’m like that ‘ as in difficult to be around because I question the way human beings exist on this planet–because I am getting older and only have so much time, and apparently ‘energy’ so I get tired more, so ‘let the young ones change the world’ too late for me’ and I abdicate my responsibility for the state of this world as a protector/stuart of this world because of a goddamn story line/timeline to which I am bound and ‘helpless’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to let myself be duped by my ego and directed by fear of loss, believing in my ‘personality’, thinking, ‘I don’t want them not to like me, I’ll be lonely, unhappy, desolate, friendless and perhaps I will need them and I may become poor and homeless and OMG I NEED them, I’ll shut up.’ and so not speak up about the atrocities I see in this world.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not realize that time-quantum time or earth/space time-is all energy and I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think, ‘I cannot live without energy, I am energy, I am light’ regulating the movement of and as knowledge and information / the unfolding of events in space/time within vibration=energy.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have the system of karma, as consequence, exist within and as me.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have karma exist within and as me manifesting as knee pain/problems in my left knee and somewhat in my right knee as carrying the past of relationships with boyfriends and my ex-husband. I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself  to have karma exist within and as me manifesting as knee pain/problems in my left knee and somewhat in my right knee as carrying the past of relationships with family members and friends, employers, acquaintances.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself  to believe that karma exists and I must manifest consequence within my world as my ‘experiences’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think I must face my karma at the point of death, as in spiritual ascension-to ‘go to the next level of enlightenment’- instead of facing  the consequence of my actions responsibly ‘here’ in each moment, which is common sense.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe I can achieve some certain ‘vibration’ level so that I magically do not have to face my karma self honestly, in each ‘moment’ ‘here’ on earth, in a responsible way that is best for all life.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not face myself in self honestly and face my fears as to why I ‘hide’ and not ‘look’ at what I have created in the moment as karma as consequence in each moment.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to want a savior/magic/god/master/husband/boss to do the dirty work for me, ‘fix’ me, so that I do not have to face myself, in self honesty, face my fears head on without hiding/in full view, face my karma all alone, so it is ‘easy’ and I can continue hiding, resulting in me forever being subject to a master/slave relationship, bound in dependency and so not living self honestly as one and equal to all other human beings and existence in it’s entirety.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think and to believe I am too tired, frightened, weak, small, stupid, old to face my karma by myself and to eliminate this system in each moment ‘here’, as I birth myself as life in the physical.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think and to believe I am ‘special’, important, different, deserving, more ‘enlightened’ than others, divine, because of acquired knowledge and information ,when in self honesty I am only lost in ‘delusions of grandeur’ believing I am now no longer subject to ‘The Law of Karma’ in each moment of creation as life ‘here’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be directed by fear for my children and husband thinking , ‘I need to ‘save’ them because they do not know about living in self honestly ‘here’ in each moment with breath and must face their consequence as karma and manifest that consequence’.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to be directed by fear in not trusting my process and trusting that I am a living example to my children and husband and ‘telling’ them /badgering them about the Desteni I Process only pushes them away. Instead I accept and allow myself to be patient with my  process of self realization and self awareness and through ‘standing’ in each moment in self honesty, be a living example to all human beings, in equality and not in separation as in ‘specialness’ of family system existent on earth at this time.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of sitting on my Mom’s knee with my sister beside me bring up the thought, ” My Mom is nice, I feel safe with her as she was quite consistent in her behavior toward me and my siblings, she was a kind parent.”

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of sitting beside my Mom, on a christmas eve, reading ‘the night before christmas’ as we did each year bringing up the thought, ‘I felt safe and warm and comforted by this ritual with my Mom, she made christmas ‘special’ and fun, I felt/feel loved by her.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of my Mom in a classroom full of young girls where she was the teacher of an after school class, bringing up the thought, ‘All the girl, and my friends, like my Mom and think I am ‘lucky’ to have such a nice Mom. I am proud of her as she is the teacher of a ‘fun’ class, not ‘real’ school. They are right, she is a ‘good’ parent. I feel ‘happy’ and secure with her.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of my parents before one of their parties, my Mom putting on make-up as I watched in the bathroom bringing up the thought, ‘She looks so pretty in her beautiful, sparkly dress that she made, I will put on make-up when I am older and look pretty too.’ and ‘I am happy that my Dad is happy and silly dancing around before his friends get here. He is always in a good mood before a party. I feel happy because I am safe with him now, he is not mean and drunk and picking on me or my bothers and sister.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of being at the cottage in the winter, my Dad unpacking the car after shoveling his way into the cottage and my Mom unpacking boxes in that are on the kitchen table, the sound of my Dad pouring  the coal into the little stove as it slowly heats up the little charming cottage on a freezing cold Ontario winter night bringing up the thought, ‘It’s fun at the cottage. I feel safe with my Dad as he is not drunk and in a ‘good’ mood because it is christmas holidays. He loves the cottage and is happy when we come here. I love playing with my dog and cat and cousins at the cottage. We play ‘spoons’ and laugh alot as the adult play bridge in the other cottage. We go skiing and tobogganing and ski-doing,  make snow forts, eat icicles, have snowball fights and it is so fun. I am safe/safer here at the cottage than at home.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of lying in bed at the cottage being cold, in the middle of the night and  hearing that familiar sound of my Dad pouring in the coal into the stove and then jumping into bed with my parents, in between them and being warm and cozy bringing up the thought, ‘My Mom and Dad keep me warm, I feel safe my Mom is here, I can sleep now.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of my parents good friends at the cottage, drinking and laughing and having a good time with each other and all the kids, playing games, roasting a pig, singing at the bonfire, drinking, being down at the dock in their bathing suits, swimming, going for a boat ride, sailing, bbq-ing, helping my Dad, bringing up the thought, ‘I like my parents friends, they have fun, they like to drink, they have fun when they drink, it is a part of the day and makes it more fun, they are nice to me and silly and laugh alot, I like to play with their children, it is good and safe here at the cottage, my parents a re happy when they are with their friends, this is what adults do and it is good, my Dad is happy and nice when his friends are here, I feel more safe when his friends are here.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of being at L and P’s cottage with the kids at their beach and we are swimming and sea-doing and decided to be innocent like the kids and be nudists for the week, bringing up the thought, ‘I was so ‘happy’ at their cottage, so free and felt so safe, they ‘think’ the same way I do and we explored so many topics of how to be effective parents and human beings and laughed and read and relaxed and ate well and exercised. I wish I could live like that always. They were good friends. They are wealthy and that is what wealth in this world offers, the time and ability to express oneself in self honesty. I wish I could do that everyday and everyone could. It is sad I no longer see them.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of being at the ‘chalet’, when I was married to my children’s father, with his family bring up the thought, ‘It was so relaxing and I felt so safe being with C’s family. They have a lot of money and I felt safe knowing I would ‘inherit’ this money and this lifestyle. I miss the community of this family unit and the fun playing games, skiing, drinking, laughing, eating expensive food, being in opulent surroundings.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of my Mom ‘tucking’ me in each night when I was a young girl saying, ‘Night, night, don’t let the bed bugs bite’, bringing up the thought, ‘I love/respect my Mom. I always felt ‘loved’ and cared for and safe each night she tucked me in with these words and a kiss. I am glad I repeated this ‘tradition (not the phrase) and spent time at my children’s bedtime to read them a story,  talk to them, cuddle and tuck them in, even if I was drinking.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of myself as a little girl saying my nightly prayers in my little bed in my little room feeling safe and cozy and thanking ‘god’ that everyone was safe and everything was ‘ok’, bring up the thought, ‘I wish life was that simple and innocent now.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of being in the car with my parents and siblings driving in a neighborhood that had smaller houses (probably in the city, I grew up in the suburbs) and thinking, ‘I don’t like these little, old houses, they are ugly. I am lucky and safe my family has money and it is good because we have a big, pretty house and no problems, money is good and important. I don’t like apartments. I feel sorry for families who have no money and have to live in an ugly apartment. My dad is a doctor (chiropractor) and it is good because he makes a lot of money and we don’t have to live like that.’ Note: very naive ‘thoughts’, I understand that now.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of my father in his office (I worked there a few summers/holidays) and thinking, “My dad is a good chiropractor, he is kind and generous to people who can’t afford his service. His patients love him, I love him for that.  He is ‘happy/content’ in his work place, it is important to like your job like he does. I like being here, it is productive and a warm atmosphere. He makes a lot of money quite easily, that is a very good thing for our family. I am glad he gives to charity so it is ok our family has everything and more.’ Note: total self interest.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of our family driving/walking to church Sunday mornings, hearing my Dad sing the hymns, he often exaggerated his voice to be ‘funny’, and thinking, ‘Church is boring but my Dad is ‘happy’ here so I’ll be quiet and not complain like my brothers and sister. He is fun and light hearted here and comforted because my grandpa was a minister and it brings back memories of his childhood seeing/hearing his Dad at the front of the church. I like my grandparents. I don’t get church, oh well.’

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to have a picture in my mind of christmases up north with my grandparents and cousins in my grandparents tiny home or at the Inn we would gather for a dinner and thinking, ‘That was so much fun seeing everyone and receiving gifts, sleeping over at my cousins and having home made egg nog sunday morning before going to church where my grandfather would often be the minister. I like all these people and feel safe with them. The adults don’t drink in front of my grandparents because my grandmother thinks alcohol is of the devil, that is so funny and all the kids laugh about it and we laugh at all her ‘old fashion’ ideas and it is snowy and there are pretty christmas lights everywhere and school is out soon for two weeks. I like my life. I like it that my dad does not drink here. He is nice when he doesn’t drink. I feel safe when he doesn’t drink. Everyone likes him when he doesn’t drink. I wish he would never drink.’

Love and light, love and light, isn’t it wonderful?

Not so much if you’re an 16 year old orphaned girl(parents dead from Aids) HIV infected, with 2 young sisters and you have to labor  in a hot, dry field 9 hours a day just to scrounge a few coins to feed yourself and your sisters the bare minimum. You fall into bed in a basically empty mud hut with your sisters crying, huddling together on makeshift bed, you lay on the dirt floor and give the girls the only blanket, in fear of what tomorrow will bring. The neighbors and community feel sorry but cannot help but a little now and then. How will you face it all again tomorrow?  No hope for a better future, no dreams of boyfriends or even school, you just ‘pray’ the girls don’t get sick again. You cry yourself to sleep. This girl’s name is Seraphene. I learned about her story many years ago at a World Vision fund raiser. I saw the film of her and her home and her little sisters.  I have no idea what happened to them.

I found Deepak’s home on  Please take a look. A palatial mansion with swimming pool and tennis courts  and no doubt a whole lot more.  I have nothing against the man personally, he is but one example of a world gone mad; living in self interest and self justification, creating ‘many mansions’ in his mind…er sorry… in the sky for Seraphene and her sister’s when they have learnt all their ‘lessons’ in this world and pass onto the next.  Note: Since posting this blog a woman from Chopra’s office, named Carolyn made a comment, you can read below and then e-mailed, saying this is not Chopra’s home. Ok, I asked where is his home or a photo so I can correct the blog, how many homes does he have and where ?(obviously, I did not mean the exact address, which she claim she took my request as). She never responded. I don’t know , does it matter at all? I mean the guy’s a multi-multi-millionaire. Could be that mansion or another.  Abundance versus Starvation. Deepak versus One BILLION  * that’s 1000,000,000 people starving or without food today!  Tragic. Perhaps all the positive thinking will magically feed them. So sad, so tragic, so uneccessary. Charity will not effectively correct this disgusting problem. Nor will ‘positive’ messages and thinking, wake the F up people!

Deepak Chopra is an Indian American writer and public speaker, best known for covering topics such as spirituality and mind-body medicine.

His estimated net worth according to is a cool 75 million American dollars.Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...

Hmm…this about sums it up, from Wikipedia;

Chopra is as rich as he is today … because his basic message — that love, health and happiness are possible, that mystery is real and that the universe is ultimately a friendly and benevolent place where orthodoxies old and new can meet and make peace with one another — is one that he wants to believe in just as sincerely as his readers do.”[1][2]

Well, isn’t that just the bees knees, all wrapped up neat and tidy so he can sleep in his designer sheets tonight. And the universe is benevolent you say, well I am an ass, I thought little children were dying in agony tonight from starvation–tell them that.  Will your words sooth them, will your charity reach them, heal them?  I think not.

In an Equal Money System you will not have to put up with such nonsense as these guru’s spread their ‘love and light’ messages. It is not working , clearly.  Nothing but equality will be tolerated, all will be given equal opportunity to ‘spread their wings’ not just a few.  All will be provided a home with clean water, a safe neighborhood,  food, healthcare, clothing, transportation, education and of the highest quality. Nothing but the best will be made ! Not one deserving or receiving more than another- because equal is equal is equal. You can’t manipulate it , you can’t fake it, you can’t fudge it, you can’t hide it. All will be known, nothing is owned but used respectfully while we are here.  This is our earth, this is our home.

Please investigate EqualMoney.Org

1 Tompkins, Ptolemy (2008-11-14). “”Time”, New Age Supersage, Ptolemy Tompkins, November 14, 2008″. Retrieved 2011-02-18.

2. ^ a b TNN, Apr 15, 2001, 02.04pm IST (2001-04-15). “The Times of India, Halyeema Sayed, The Mind-Body, April 15, 2001”. Retrieved 2011-02-18.

What is euthanasia? According to Wikipedia, as of the date of this article November 16/11, euthanasia refers to, ‘…the practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering.’ Also ‘ …the intentional killing by act or omission of a dependent human ‘ As well, referred to as;  physician assisted suicide, mercy killing, right-to -die, living wills.

In an equal money society, we will base our principals on what is best for all, in all ways. We will take responsibility for the equal care of one another as never before, no longer abdicating this responsibility onto a ‘higher power’ God figure. We will look at each individual human being’s ‘case’ or physical health situation and make a common sense decision. So the answer would be yes, sometimes, appropriately, carefully the option of euthanasia will be investigated and chosen. Other times it will not be chosen.

Is the being conscious? Did they communicate what their wish was with regards to the end of their life, prior to being incompasinated? Are they in terrible pain? What is the likelihood of recovery? These are some of the issues that will be taken into consideration. No one will be compromised, forced to do something they don`t want, de-valued as life, be expendable.

It will not be as controversial a topic/issue in an equal money system as there will be no suspicion as to other’s motives to have a ‘loved’ one die/gone. There will no no life insurance,  as all are taken care of from birth to death equally,there will be no need for insurance. There will be no inheritance/fortune left as all is owned equally, no one ‘owns’ land or buildings, as in homes or businesses, but occupies a home for free while they are here. So, no one will `benefit` from anyone passing on.

In an equal money system society we will provide, for free, a `therapist`psychologist who can assist with making a decision such as this by talking with the patient firstly, if possible, and then with the  doctors and  family. All points will be carefully considered with utmost compassion, nothing else will be acceptable or allowed. We will live by the principal `Do unto others as you would have them do unto you`and `Love they neighbor as thyself`.  We will live by the principal that we are literally one and equal.